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BTTF 2 Jacket

Calling all BTTF Fans! Always wanted the Jacket worn by Marty McFly? Check out our Replica Jacket here!

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BTTF 2 Jacket - Own Your Own Replica Version Of The Marty McFly BTTF Jacket Today!

Back To The Future can now be called a true American classic. It tells the story in the space of not just one, but three movies packed with action and adventures.

First coming out in 1985, the first movie introduces the audience to a teenager named Marty McFly, who wants to be a musician. He comes from a problematic home with his father suffering from bullying, and his mother being an alcoholic. Dr. Emmett Brown is Marty’s new friend who has built a time machine.

These movies don’t just tell the story, they deal with important topics and questions people had in the 80’s. Many of the questions are relevant in any era, for example, would we really go back to the past or travel to the future? Does it have consequences? Can someone be saved in the past without changing the whole future entirely?

These and many other questions and discussion sparked from Back To The Future.

The first movie offers an insight into the 50’s with all costumes and period accessories and architecture included. Getting back home to 1985 proves harder than it was to get to the 1955, since the power source that got Marty there is now gone. Doc gets shot in the 50’s and Marty fights the clock to save his life. This shows the Marty’s character development, since there has suddenly been a lot of responsibility on his young shoulders.

Doc’s life being threatened to also make Marty understand, that not only he has to get back home, but he also has to go to the Old West to warn Doc about his life being in danger.

The second installment of the trilogy shows us the future in 2015. It seems odd now comparing the actual 2015 to the one from the movie, but it also encourages people to re-watch the movie again. However, it falls into the spell of the second movie is never as good as the first’ in the opinion of some of the fans, or first time viewers.

There are no period costumes, since it’s the future. It offers a concept for cars, hover boards and clothing as people imagined it would look like thirty years into the future.

Marty sees his children and wants to help them, invoking the paradox of time travel. It complicates his own life – present and future.

It has to be said, that no matter how advanced the technology is, there are still no flying cars around. Some of the other imagination gadgets include self-lacing tennis shoes and, of course, now iconic Marty’s jacket from the future clothing line.

The jacket Marty wears in the future, self-seizes and dries, which would be useful, but still to this day isn’t possible. However, if you want to look and feel just like Marty McFly, you want to get this replica jacket, which has been re-created especially for the fans of the movies.

This jacket is, most likely, the most recognizable item from the movie.

Even though the costumes from the 50’s are amazing and represent the time quite well, it is actually the jacket Marty wore in the second movie about the future (or, rather 2015, future for him) which gained popularity and became the most popular item in the movies.

The fan base kept growing and it is still expanding, but marty mcfly Back to the Future Prop Replica Jacket is one of the iconic things people still mention and remember. Fans are also collectors, so having a real marty mcfly Back to the Future Prop Replica Jacket sounds like Christmas come early.

Some fans would like this jacket for a collection, not to be touched and just admired from afar. However, there are many new and older fans who would like to have this jacket, because they would actually like to wear it and feel like they are a part of the universe.

Now it has become possible to get a marty mcfly Back to the Future Prop Replica Jacket and to call it yours.

We at Backtothefuturejacket.com who appreciates this classic cinema piece, has created an option, a new thing for fans. Putting together talent and resources, the iconic jacket has been re-created and now can be purchased by anybody.

Although this real life version does not have self-rolling sleeves or a self-drying feature, it still brings back memories and looks as cool as ever. We have re-created it as screen accurate as it is possible, spending hours peering at screen caps and references, watching and enjoying BTTF series.

Only a true artist can understand the scrutiny an item like this is going to undergo, therefore, this hand-made jacket is a labor of love and attention. The colors are accurate, the needlework is pristine. It is crafted from a strong and durable material, making is sturdy. What does it mean? It basically means that it does not matter if you wear it every day, or just to a Halloween party, it will last a long time and you do not have to worry about this jacket falling apart easily. It is, after all, a very special product.

Screen Accuracy is guaranteed and nobody else in the business has done such a precise work with re-creation of an item of clothing, which for many people is just a simple, old-school prop. However, for hardcore fans a marty mcfly Back to the Future Prop Replica Jacket will become so much more.

The base jacket looks cool on its own, but it also has acrylic attachments, which have been cut by a laser, making them precise and pristine. Waist and wrist belts are detailed and fit well.

There are many different size options available, because the artist understands how different fans are from one another.

Even though it might seem like an expensive investment, it will wear well and enhance any collection.

Use the option, check it out and if you think you want to be just like Marty McFly, there is a possibility to be BTTF, making the experience of re-watching all the movies even more special than it would be without the coolest jacket on the block. There is a reason why this jacket is so iconic.